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Douglas Thomas

Faith + Works Lecturer 2021-2022

CFAC Homepage / Faith + Works 2021-2022 / Douglas Thomas


Negative Spaces: Designing meaning in/through/with/on the margins

On November 4th, 2021, Professor Douglas Thomas discussed how we can build beauty from our ashes as we are purposeful with the negative spaces of our life, to find power and creativity from
what is undone.

Review a re-cap of Thomas's lecture here.


Douglas Thomas is an assistant professor of graphic design at BYU. He graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design from Brigham Young University (2008) and he received an MA in Social Science from the University of Chicago (2011) and an MFA in Graphic Design from the Maryland Institute College of Art (2016). Before joining the faculty full-time at BYU (2017), he taught graphic design at the Maryland Institute College of Art and Johns Hopkins University.

Douglas Thomas’s work explores the nexus of typography, design, and culture, especially in user experience design, publication design, and branding. His design work has been featured in Abitare, AIGA Eye on Design, Communication Arts, Design Observer, Eye Magazine, Metropolis, Print, and Graphis. He is the author of Never Use Futura, a cultural history of the typeface Futura.

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To see other lectures from this series, visit the Faith + Works Lecture Series home pa

Faith + Works Lecture Information

Date: Thursday, November 4, 2021
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Location: Madsen Recital Hall, Harris Fine Arts Center