Are you a CFAC student who has participated in meaningful and impactful experiential learning? Would you like to share your story for the chance to win a cash prize? You’ve come to the right place.
Welcome to the College of Fine Arts and Communications (CFAC) #ExperienceCFAC Creative Works Contest.
The Creative Works Contest showcases the wealth of experiential learning that students have outside of the classroom including internships, studies abroad, performances, field studies, tours, service projects and more.
Students can submit an essay or piece of visual media sharing their experiential learning story to compete for cash prizes. $3500 will be split among six winning entries, three for each category.
Learn more about Contest guidelines and see previous year’s winning entries below.
Students submitting to the contest must be either (1) enrolled in the College of Fine Arts and Communications, (2) any college student employees (including the BYU Museum of Art - MOA, or (3) a participant in a performing arts group or tour.
Students are eligible to enter the contest if they have graduated prior to the contest judging, but MUST have been enrolled in the university during the completion of the submitted experiential learning opportunity between September 2023 through August 2024.
Students must indicate if they received funding to participate in their experiential learning opportunity. If students received funding, they should also specify where those funds came from. If there are additional questions regarding funding, students are encouraged to reach out to their academic area.
Submissions must be submitted before the deadline. Submissions received after 11:59 PM on Thursday, September 26, 2024 will not be considered.
Please email before 5:00 pm on Thursday, September 26, 2024 if you are having trouble submitting or have questions.
Submissions that are received by email will not be considered. Please work ahead to resolve any technical issues before the deadline.
i. All entries must be about experiences that occurred during Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024 or Summer 2024 (academic year 2023-2024).
ii. Submit entries through (not through email).
Fill out the form completely.
Make sure your essay is submitted in the File Upload section.
Submit your essay as a PDF file. (.pdf)
While students are invited to post their pictures/videos to social media using the hashtag #ExperienceCFAC, simply posting with the tag does not constitute a submission. Students must upload all photos in their submission to to be considered for the contest.
iii. Essay guidelines:
Essays should be 600-1000 words. Essays that do not meet these constraints will not be considered. No exceptions.
All essays must include at least 3 photos of the student during their experience (a maximum of 5 photos). Photos that showcase the student’s learning opportunity in action are preferred. If you did not take the photo, make sure to credit the individual who did.
Each entry must include a caption no longer than 200 words that explains how the included photos represent the inspiring learning opportunity. Note:this is 1 caption for the entire entry, not a caption for each photo in an entry. Refer to the questions below as you write your caption.Essay submissions that do not contain at least 3 photos and a caption will not be considered in the contest.
iv. ”Sharing your experience” requires you to explain what your experience meant to you and how it meets the criteria. Consider the following questions as you craft your essay:
What skills did you develop during the experience that you wouldn’t be able to learn otherwise?
How did this experience make you a better practitioner in your field?
How has this experience transformed you and your future?
How has this experience expanded or changed your perspective? How does this experience embody President Reese’s vision for “inspiring learning”?
How has this experience strengthened your faith/testimony?
Due date: 11:59 pm on Thursday, September 26, 2024
**Email before 5:00 pm on Thursday, September 26, 2024 with questions if you cannot upload your file!**
Please do not email your submission; submissions received by email will not be considered.
Please keep in mind what BYU and the College of Fine Arts and Communications stand for. Do not write about events or use language that violates the Honor Code. The college reserves the right to use, edit and distribute all submissions.*
*Where permitted by your program. Ask your faculty advisor for more information.
i. All entries must be about experiences that occurred during Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024 or Summer 2024 (academic year 2023-2024).
ii. Submit entries through (not through email).
Fill out the form completely.
Make sure your entry is submitted in the Photo/Visual Upload section
While students are invited to post their pictures/videos to social media using the hashtag #ExperienceCFAC, simply posting with the tag does not constitute a submission. Students must submit all visual media at to be considered for the contest.
iii. Visual media submissions include any of the following types of visual representations of a student’s experiential learning (*see below for additional guidelines):
Digital representation of a design project
Digital representation of a work of art
iv. All entries must be about experiences that occurred during Fall 2023, Winter 2024, Spring 2024 or Summer 2024 (academic year 2023-2024).
Each student submitting to the Visual Media category can decide between a video entry, or a photo entry.
There is a limit to 5 photos for a photo submission
There is a limit to 3 minutes for a video submission
Each entry must include a 300-500 word caption that explains how the inspiring learning opportunity changed them. Entries without a caption will not be considered. Note:this is 1 caption for the entire entry, not a caption for each photo in an entry.
”Sharing your experience” requires you to explain what your experience meant to you and how it meets the criteria. Consider the following questions as you craft your caption:
What skills did you develop during the experience that you wouldn’t be able to learn otherwise?
How did this experience make you a better practitioner in your field?
How has this experience transformed you and your future?
How has this experience expanded or changed your perspective? How does this experience embody President Reese’s vision for “inspiring learning”?
How has this experience strengthened your faith/testimony?
vi. Photo guidelines
Each entry can include up to 5 photos. Entries that include more than 5 photos will not be considered.
Photos should be aesthetically constructed in addition to capturing inspiring learning in action.
Entries should capture inspiring learning in action. Tourist photos will not be considered.
While students are allowed to submit to both the visual media and the essay contests, they should not submit the same experience to both. Only one submission of each experience will be accepted.
vii. Video guidelines
Video submissions have a maximum length of 3 minutes. Videos longer than 3 minutes will not be considered.
If your video uses any music, please submit your copyright license along with your submission; to understand more about copyright licenses, visit
**Email before 5:00 pm on Thursday, September 26, 2024 with questions if you cannot upload your file!**
Please do not email your submission; submissions received by email will not be considered.
Due date: 11:59 pm on Thursday, September 26, 2024
Please keep in mind what BYU and the College of Fine Arts and Communications stand for. Do not write about events or use language that violates the Honor Code. The college reserves the right to use, edit and distribute all submissions.*
*Where permitted by your program. Ask your faculty advisor for more information.