Linnie Brown Featured at The Allen+Alan Fine Art Gallery in Salt Lake City
November 02, 2018 12:00 AM
Courtney Jones
Brown’s solo exhibition is currently featured in the A Gallery
Linnie Brown, an adjunct art professor at BYU, is currently featured at the Allen+Alan gallery in Salt Lake City. Her solo exhibition “Retrace” can be visited through Nov. 3, 2018. The exhibit includes works such as ‘A Series of Past Actions,’ ‘Need only to Reattach’ and ‘Site of Drenched Rigors.’ Brown shared that through her art she is able to express the culmination of all her individual life experiences. “We are an accumulation of our past. All of our experiences come together and are the reason we are the way we are,” Brown said. “Many of my pieces started with the floor plans of places I lived.” She continued, “Then I combined shapes and color until they all come together into one form—similar to all of our experiences coming together into one cohesive whole. My pieces are like maps of my experiences.” The journey to her first solo exhibit at an art gallery has not always been easy. “I started out at BYU with a major in painting and eventually switching to art teaching. I taught art for a couple years, but everything changed when I had kids.” Although Brown was not able to put a major focus on a career, she made time every day for her art. She went back to school in 2013 once her children were older, and is now working part time in the BYU art department. Brown has shown her art at many nonprofit events and has become more involved with local art galleries. Brown said of getting her art out in the public sphere, “You can’t sit back and hope good things are going to happen. You have to push yourself.” Brown has reached many of the goals she aspired to as an artist but believes that there is a lot more she has to offer. “There are always goals that you are working towards as an artist but there is never a time that you have truly ‘arrived’. Once you reach your goals there is always more you can achieve.” “What I wish I had done more was immerse myself in the art community. Get to know gallery owners, other artists, and art professors. Successful artists are well known because they have those relationships,” Brown advised students hoping to make a career in the fine arts, “Be flexible with your goals—just because you are not successful two years out of school doesn’t mean you never will be.” Brown’s work can be seen at the Allen+Alan Fine Art Gallery at 1321 S 2100 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84108. Admission is free.