Singing Through Stutters: Vocal Point Performers on Singing with Speech Impediments Skip to main content

Singing Through Stutters: Vocal Point Performers on Singing with Speech Impediments

BYU Vocal Point Performers Jaren McMillan (‘22) and Alex Brown (‘24) Share Experiences Singing with Speech Impediments

Jaren McMillan and Alex Brown
The “stutter brothers” Jaren McMillan (‘22), left, and Alex Brown (‘24).
Photo by Bradley Slade

Jaren McMillan (‘22), a tenor for Vocal Point, said, “People with speech impediments like me, we never imagine that we’ll be on a big stage talking or performing.” And yet he and Alex Brown (‘24) both take the stage, this year performing in concerts across the country in Vocal Point’s first tour since the start of the pandemic.

“We call ourselves the stutter brothers sometimes,” said Brown. “We joke about it because we’re people who can barely talk, and yet we’re in one of the most prestigious singing groups at BYU.”

Read the full Y Magazine article here.