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School Of Communications

Arielle Mackey-Williams on Pursuing Athletic and Academic Field Goals

Arielle Mackey-Williams on Her Experiences as a Student and a Member of the BYU Women’s Basketball Team

Arielle Mackey-Williams at the Provo Rock Canyon Temple | Courtesy of BYU Athletics

Arielle Mackey-Williams grew up with a love of sports and media. As a student and an athlete, Mackey-Williams had the opportunity to pursue both of her passions through her BYU experience. Recently, she graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in communications, journalism and sports media.

When it came to choosing a major, Mackey-Williams said it was the connection between her interest in media and sports that led her to the journalism and sports media program. “I remember when I was little I would grab a paper and pen and interview my family while they were watching TV, pretending that I was Sports Illustrated or something,” said Mackey-Williams. “I’ve always been interested in media and sports, sports media is a way that they are interlinked with one another.”

“The main thing that brought me to BYU was the family environment that I felt when I was being recruited. Since I was leaving my family in New Zealand, I definitely wanted to find a place that felt like home and the team here has become like a family to me,” said Mackey-Williams.

After suffering a knee injury, Mackey-Williams found faith through the love and support of her teammates and coaches and was baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

As a graduate, Mackey-Williams said that her new faith has brought her peace and security during many of the stressful moments she faced as a student. “My faith has kept me motivated,” said Mackey-Williams. “It’s been a process of finding peace and happiness even during the crazy moments of my life.”

After injuring her knee, Mackey-Williams has found a brighter perspective through her faith. “My new faith has helped change my perspective,” she said. “It’s important to be grateful for the small things and trust in Heavenly Father's plan and his timing. I know that I am still recovering but I know when the time is right I’ll be able to get back on the court.”

Although she graduated with her undergraduate degree this year, her time at BYU is far from over. Because she was able to receive her bachelor’s degree in three years, Mackey-Williams intends to pursue a master’s degree in mass communications. She will be returning to the basketball court for another two years following her recovery.

Arielle Mackey-Williams in a Game Against the University of San Francisco | Courtesy of BYU Athletics