We look forward to this year in the new state-of-the-art BYU School of Music Building. We appreciate the hard work, cooperation and patience from everyone involved in the effort to construct and relocate to the new building.
Due to ongoing supply chain issues and labor shortages, construction is delayed on portions of the building. The finishing touches and technical calibration of the Concert Hall and other spaces will require additional time before their public debut. Faculty offices, the Choral Hall and other spaces are mostly complete.
Everyone is working hard to ensure that all portions of the building will be ready as soon as possible for the events, classes, performances, recitals and masterclasses that are core to the School of Music.
Due to these delays, School of Music performances will be impacted, including ensembles. These performances are being rescheduled in both on- and off-campus venues. Ticketing updates will be communicated as soon as possible through BYU Tickets.*
The School of Music is committed to our students and curricular objectives. Despite these delays, we continue to provide meaningful classroom, studio and performance experiences for music students and ensembles. This may mean temporary remote instruction or alternate locations could be used.
We are monitoring the progress of our venues within the Music Building and will communicate any additional changes as more information becomes available via music.byu.edu
We look forward to welcoming you to this world-class facility and are grateful for your patience and civility as construction is completed.
*Please note any scheduling updates for BRAVO! events will be communicated through BYU Arts and BYU Tickets. www.arts.byu.edu