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School of Music

New BYU Concert Hall Organ Debuts in Inaugural Series

BYU Artists and Accomplished Guests Celebrate the Installation of School of Music’s New Organ

This fall, BYU and visiting organists are inaugurating a new instrument—a 4-manual, 81-rank Létourneau organ. Anyone who has not had the chance to feel the power of a state-of-the-art organ in a live performance will now have the opportunity.

“The organ is an awe-inspiring instrument,” says Jeremy Grimshaw, musicologist and Associate Dean in BYU’s College of Fine Arts and Communications. “The largest pipes create not just sonic but physical vibration that we ‘hear’ with our bodies, and the smallest create some of the highest pitches audible to the human ear.”

“It's literally part of the architecture of the space, and it is designed to fill it, “ he continues.

“I was able to travel to the Letourneau factory to see the Opus 100 under construction, and I was amazed and humbled by the incredible artistry, craftsmanship, and care that have gone into this amazing instrument,” says Grimshaw. “From the metallurgists who melt, pour, press and roll the precise alloys for pipes; to the engineers who devise the complex machinery that translates subtle finger and foot movements into intricate pathways of pressurized air; to the designers who make everything fit inside the given space and create the gorgeous façade; to the tuners and technicians who make it sound amazing, artists have put in a remarkable amount of workmanship. I can’t wait to hear our faculty and students perform on this world-class instrument.”

Organ Installation Time Lapse June 6, 2024 - July 31, 2024

This new instrument was designed for the new concert hall and had its own unique plans and creators. The School of Music has been working on the new organ for four years. “It was custom-designed to meet the needs of one of the country’s premiere music programs and an enthusiastic community of music lovers,” says Don Cook. “The Concert Hall Organ Inaugural Series was designed to feature this world-class organ in solo recital and in concert with the School of Music’s fine choirs, orchestras and bands.”

The Concert Hall Organ Inaugural Series begins October 25 with a concert featuring Durham Cathedral organist Daniel Cook and presented by the BRAVO! Professional Performing Arts Series. The Series continues with performances by faculty members Don Cook and Neil Harmon on October 26. BYU Philharmonic Orchestra will play November 15 and feature Don Cook on organ to play Samuel Barber’s “Toccata Festiva.”

The organ series spans fall 2024 and winter 2025 semesters. Three of the five concerts happening this fall are free. Everyone ages six and older are invited to come and enjoy what Mozart called “the King of instruments.”

Click here to read more about this one-of-a-kind organ

BYU Celebrates Completion of New Organ with the Concert Hall Inaugural Series
Photo by Ada Gjoligu/BYU External Relations

The Concert Hall Organ Inaugural Series 

Date & Time: Friday, October 25th | 7:30 p.m.
Location: Music Building Concert Hall
Price: $12-39
Tickets: Available at BYU Tickets

Date & Time: Saturday, October 26th | 7:30 p.m. with Pre-concert talk at 6:30 p.m.
Location: Music Building Concert Hall
Price: Free
Tickets: Non-ticketed

Date & Time: Friday, November 15th | 7:30 p.m.
Location: Music Building Concert Hall
Price: $10-16
Tickets: Available at BYU Tickets

Date & Time: Monday, December 9, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Location: Music Building Concert Hall
Price: Free