"I’ve never liked any other subject except art. I’ve always been obsessed with using my hands and making things," said Myleka Bevans. "As a child, I drew and read constantly. I wanted to be an illustrator. In high school, I knew that nothing would ever make me as happy as art would. It was my strongest and most defined talent. I was lucky to have many invested mentors who helped me along and encouraged me."

Bevans is a BFA Art Major with an Art Ed K-12 licensure and student teaches at Corner Canyon high school in Draper. She recently did her final BFA show, "Encounters with Grief."

"I wanted to create how I felt on the inside and encompass visitors in my world for a while. I wanted them to feel the complexity and gamut of emotions I experienced during the absolute most traumatic phase of my life (the initial weeks after I lost my daughter)."

Hear more from Myleka when she takes over our story this Friday (the 26th)! So tune in then as she takes us through her day and art process! #ArtsAtBYU #byuArt #byuArtEd #CFACgrad #cfacvoices