The BYU Arts 2015-16 season will feature a variety of performances and events, including concerts by the Department of Dance and the School of Music as well as guest performances by professionals from the Metropolitan Opera and Broadway. For these upcoming events patrons have the opportunity to reserve tickets in advance with the artsPASS, a custom season ticket package. Jeffrey Martin, producer of performing arts for the College of Fine Arts and Communications and presenter of the BRAVO! series, said the artsPASS saves time and effort while ensuring the best available seats. “Sometimes events sell out quickly and it is harder to get the seats if you wait,” Martin said. The artsPASS allows arts patrons to create a custom ticket package for the season in advance by choosing five or more performances from the BYU School of Music, Dept. of Dance, Dept. of Theatre and Media Arts, and BRAVO!: Professional Performing Arts. The artsPASS goes on sale July 13 at the BYU Ticket Office in the Harris Fine Arts Center or Marriott Center, by phone (801) 422-2981, or online at Those who purchase the artsPASS receive their tickets before the individual performances go on sale, approximately one month before the event, giving them the best available seats. The price of the artsPASS depends on which performances are selected. Some performances for 2015-16 include The King’s Singers, eviDANCE, Celebration of Christmas, Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, and many more. Create a custom artPASS here.