The BYU School of Communications Recognizes Student Academic Achievements With Awards Luncheon

On Apr 7, BYU’s School of Communications
Awards were given to students who shined in academic areas. The Jane Clayson Johnson Award recognized Abigail Gunderson and Aubree Jennings, both students who plan to work in news broadcasting after graduation. Bree Silva was awarded the Nancy Briggs Rooker Richardson Memorial Scholarship, established to remember BYU’s alum members. She will be going to New York this summer for an internship opportunity.
The following are the scholarships and awards that were given to students to recognize their achievements and assist them in their BYU education.
Rich Long-Dow Chemical Scholarship
- Rebecca Lindsey
- Anna Roth
Rulon L. Bradley Award
- Ellie Bean
Stephen W. Gibson Entrepreneurial Scholarship
- Emily Hooke
Austad Awards |Public Relations
- Ashlyn Kay
- Charlotte Paulsen
- Josie Rackley
- Molly Roth
- Mikayla Smith
Austad Awards | Communication Studies
- Jessica Byers
- Cody Halversen
- Darby Knudsen
Austad Awards |Advertising
- Jared Brockbank
- Jake Marchant
- Annabelle Peterson
- Kate Slobodian
- Wesley Walton
Austad Awards | Journalism
- Trevor Myers
- Joe Wirthlin
- Megan Zaugg
Jane Clayson Johnson Award
- Abigail Gunderson
- Aubree Jennings
Development Board Scholarship
- Angela Larson
- Alexa Ray
Scripps N Laverl Christensen Scholarship
- Andrew Osborn
- Reihana Wilson
Desert Management Scholarships
- Bryan Barba
- Talulla Barney
- Thabata Freitas
- Jacob Hable
- Aubrey Leonard
- Hannah LeSueur
Clifton B. & Cleone W. Wilkinson Endowed Scholarship
- Mitchell Johnson
Nancy Briggs Rooker Richardson Memorial Scholarship
- Breea Silva
Owen S. & Ora N. Rich KBYU Fellowship
- Thabata Freitas
Mrs. Forace Green Award
- Brigham Tomco
Diana King Memorial Scholarship
- James Hoopes
- Belle Lewis
Kagel & Barrus Creative Excellence Award
- Talulla Barney
- Danny White
McKinlay & Sheets Advertising Creative Track Award
- Gwynie Bahr
- Danny Facer
Advertising Light & Hope Award
- Rachel Dike
- Carter Halvorsen
Gerald R. & Oneida B. Mcquarrie Scholarship
- Taylor Riley
- Summer Spendlove
- Alli Trendler
- Anna Vincent
- Juliana Wright
Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Scholarship
- Alexa Elliott
- Alexander Tumalip
- Carly Wasserlein
Howard E. & Deloris K. Wall Scholarship
- Alex Amrine
- Carly Wasserlein
- Jonas Wright
Earl J. Glade Award
- Hassan El-Cheikh
- Brett Hammer
Hopson Family Communications Scholarship
- Isaac Ferre
- Clark Stuar
Prof. Raymond Beckham Endowed Scholarship
- Samantha Birrell
- Gabe Bori
- Ashley Okeson
- Hannah Rigby
Bruce L. Olsen Scholarship
- Julia Orellana-Funes
- Clark Stuart
Society of Professional Journalists Award
- Megan Brugger
- Marissa Lundeen
Walt Lowe Endowed Scholarship
- Alyssa Bradford
- Marissa Lundeen
Peggy Hughes Scholarship
- Ivette Galvez Laparra-From Guatemala
R. John Hughes Scholarship
- Juliana R. Orellana-Funes
Kappa Tau Alpha Top Scholar Award
- Sierra Jensen
Alf Se June Pratte Award for Best History Paper
- Kiana Schlenker
Michael K. Perkins Top Scholar Award
- Trey Chauncey