BYU’s World-Class Pipe Organ is the ‘Crown Jewel’ of the New Concert Hall Skip to main content

BYU’s World-Class Pipe Organ is the ‘Crown Jewel’ of the New Concert Hall

Experience a Behind the Scenes Tour of the New Organ with Latest BYU Video

If you haven’t experienced the pipe organ in the BYU Music Building yet, you’re in for a treat. With 4,613 pipes and 81 ranks (sets of pipes), it’s the third largest organ in Utah and the only one with two consoles. Organists can play from a console located in the center of the pipework facade or from a movable stage console.

Designed to be the artistic centerpiece and acoustical heart of the Concert Hall, BYU organ professor Don Cook called it the “crown jewel” of the new building. Organ faculty have been involved since 2016, helping design a space worthy of this world-class instrument.

Inaugural organ performances are underway, showcasing “Opus 100” as a world-class instrument in an artistically and acoustically superb space.

To learn about upcoming organ performances, click here.

Read the full University Communications article written by Sharman Gill here.

BYU's Stunning New Pipe Organ: A Behind the Scenes Tour