“Chronicling COVID-19” displays over thirty hours of unedited footage and it describes all the cancellations, fears, losses, growth, and efforts to adapt to the new normal people experienced and are still trying to navigate.

From March 2020 to the beginning of the 2021 year, the observational style videos show the everyday and often mundane parts of living during a pandemic. The videos shown also include interviews and commentary on updates relating to COVID-19

Stephanie Cook is a masters student pursuing a degree in Art Education at Brigham Young University. As the COVID-19 pandemic hit and continued to change the lives of nearly everyone across the world, Stephanie decided to document her experiences in the way of video journaling.

As she learned more about research and art-making, Stephanie realized that she had been applying the principles of research creation to use art (in this case, film) as a way of investigating to gain more understanding. Stephanie’s observational style allowed events to play out, and often included the everyday mundane as life continued through the pandemic.

“When I first started filming back in March 2020, I used video documentation as a kind of self-therapy to figure out what everything meant surrounding the events of Covid-19. I felt that if I documented the uncontrollable events, I could look back on it later to try and understand it.”

“Through the experience of filming the hard and uncomfortable, I mainly feel gratitude. 2020 was a year of trial and growth, and that will continue as we move into 2021.

Cook said that she has revisited her experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and that there is a lot she would have forgotten without the video documentation.

Gallery Details:Dates and Times: Feb. 26 – March 11 | 6am – 11pm
Location: Gallery 303 Foyer