CFAC Students Spend Summer Term Working and Serving Around the World Skip to main content

CFAC Students Spend Summer Term Working and Serving Around the World

Students from the College of Fine Arts and Communications travel internationally to gain real-world experience and share their talents while studying abroad, competing, performing and interning

College of Fine Arts and Communications

Students from the School of Fine Arts and Communications travel internationally to gain real-world experience and share their talents while studying abroad, competing, performing and interning
Each year, students in the BYU College of Fine Arts and Communications take the knowledge and skills they have learned in the classroom and make their mark on their local and global communities. From New York to Europe, these students are having inspiring learning opportunities all over the globe.
Read more about how students from the College of Fine Arts and Communications answered President Kevin J. Worthen’s call for inspired learning during June:


BYU dance students traveled to Europe on the Contemporary Dance in Europe study abroad to attend several large dance festivals, take masterclasses and learn more about the history of contemporary dance, which originated in Europe.
Additionally, the Contemporary Dance Theatre (CDT) company will compete for the Grand Prix title in Prague. CDT previously won the Grand Prix title in 2015. They will be showcasing choreography from guests, faculty and students for the European judges and other festival participants from over 14 countries.
In addition to increasing their technical and historical understanding of the genre of dance, students toured cities, visited museums and experienced much of what European culture has to offer.


Behind the group of dedicated performers in the China Spectacular were four communications students and two communications professors, Adam Durfee and Steve Fidel. This digital media team shot video footage, captured photos of the action and helped run the social media campaign of the 40th anniversary tour — BYU’s biggest tour to date.
“My favorite part about covering the BYU Spectacular was seeing how much effort performers put in. There were seven performances and they gave their all to each of their audiences,” said Rachel Keeler, a member of the China Spectacular digital media team. “You could see how much the Chinese people loved the performers for it. It was truly an incredible experience!”
Keeler felt that the hands-on experience she had in China pushed her to use all the skills she had previously learned in the communications program, but also helped her develop abilities that could never come from sitting at a desk.
“It’s something that can’t be learned within the walls of a classroom — only through going out and doing it with the help of a mentor,” said Keeler. “That is why internships are required in this major and study abroads are encouraged — they push you to reach limits you couldn’t have reached through standardized learning.”