Thaylene Rogers succeeded Scott Boyter as Assistant Dean and Controller for the College of Fine Arts and Communications beginning September 2019. Rogers’ responsibilities include overseeing the college’s budgets and finances, as well as facilities. She also works directly with the business managers and accountants throughout the college. “I see my role as helping with whatever is needed in the college — working through resource issues to facilitate the wonderful creative work that goes on within the college,” said Rogers. Rogers received her degree in accounting in 1981 at BYU and returned to receive an executive MBA in 2015. She credits her time spent studying at BYU with opening doors to rewarding work and service opportunities throughout her life. After receiving her undergraduate degree in accounting, Rogers began working for Arthur Andersen & Co in both the Portland and San Francisco offices. She was a public accountant for the first five years of her career — primarily in tax practice — and then left the public sphere to do private industry work. Rogers chose to step back from her career for a time after the birth of her second child. She stayed current through financial volunteer work for local schools and community organizations. When the time was right, Rogers stepped back into the accounting world and began working as a CPA for various companies in Utah. Eventually, Rogers came back to BYU to work — drawn to the unique work environment at her alma mater.

“There is a culture that respects and incorporates the sacred as we approach all aspects of our work,” said Rogers. Rogers began her BYU career in the financial office for Arts Production. After four years, she became the business manager for the Departments of Theatre and Media Arts