‘To See and Be Seen’: CDT Dancers Explore Isolation, Connection in New Video ‘Vanish’
May 19, 2020 12:00 AM
Anelise Leishman
The video continues a collaboration with NYC-based choreographer Jesse Obremski and pays tribute to graduating seniors
As the socially-distanced BYU community prepared to celebrate graduation in new and unexpected ways, Contemporary Dance Theatre premiered “Vanish,” a 10-minute video featuring the work of New York City-based choreographer Jesse Obremski. Keely Song Glenn, director of CDT and producer of “Vanish,” described the video as “a tribute to the vitality of human connection and a hope for the day when we can one day physically connect to each other again.” In addition to filming the video, CDT performed the piece in their annual concert this February. “Vanish” is set to music by commercial music alum Jarom Hansen and was filmed and edited by media arts alum Scott Cook. For many students in the company, working with Obremski was a highlight of their year. “I’ve never worked with someone who puts so much heart into their work and also creates a space of individual self-discovery for their dancers,” said Vanessa Redden, a graduating senior on CDT. “Throughout the entire process of working with him, Jesse would often remind us that ‘it’s all about the humanity,’” recalled Bronte Hopkins, a dance education graduate. “He is a talented choreographer and such a generous human being. It felt like a journey.” Watch the video below and read more about 'Vanish' at dance.byu.edu. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5F51AHKEv0