2022 BYU Communications graduate
"The world shut down the day I was scheduled to take the GRE.
"As I sat waiting in the testing center lobby, a huge earthquake rocked the Wasatch front. I left the testing center wondering if these bad things were signs. … signs that I shouldn’t apply to the master’s program.
"But bigger than a worldwide pandemic, bigger than a 5.7 earthquake, was the feeling that I was doing what God had asked me to do. So I applied -- got in -- and things continued to fall into place when I let the small, still voice from God take place of the big, loud things.
"I met wonderful friends in my cohort, fell in love with theories and research, learned how to teach, and best of all, became a master of *attempting* to write lit reviews.
"What a treat it has been to finish what I was asked to do. And it’s even better to actually get to celebrate with my family this round! A little rain and thunder can’t stop this BYU weathercaster’s parade!"