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David C. Morgan

Faith + Works Lecturer 2022-2023

CFAC Homepage / Faith + Works 2022-2023 / David C. Morgan


Please Try Again: The Imperfect Practice of Iteration

On March 2, David C. Morgan, associate professor at BYU, will present the next lecture for the 2022-23 Faith + Works lecture series. Presented by different faculty within the College of Fine Arts and Communications, these lectures feature the intersection of speakers’ religious beliefs and their professions.

Morgan will discuss how an iterative approach can be used not only to develop good design, but also to modify beliefs and increase faith.

Review a re-cap of Morgan's lecture here.


David Morgan began his teaching career at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), moved to the University of Wisconsin, then became the Chair of the graduate industrial design program at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He is currently an associate professor at Brigham Young University. His research is focused on the art and science of folding as a means of idea generation, morphogenesis and production. He and his students have shown their origami-inspired products at design exhibitions in the United States, Canada and Europe.



To see other lectures from this series, visit the Faith + Works Lecture Series home page.

Faith + Works Lecture Information

Date: Thursday, March 2, 2023
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.
Location: WCCB Auditorium