Learning in the Dalai Lama Temple: a BYU Study Abroad Skip to main content
Department of Art

Learning in the Dalai Lama Temple: a BYU Study Abroad

Study abroad programs aren't hard to come by at BYU, but some are found in the least likely places. Last summer, seven students from the College of Fine Arts and Communications studied in one of the most unusual places on earth: the Dharamshala province in northern India. India’s Dharamshala province is home to thousands of Tibetan refugees. Many Tibetans cross the Himalayas each year to escape mounting persecution by the Chinese government in their homeland of Tibet. The most famous refugee in Dharamshala is the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader for Tibetans around the world. While in Dharamshala, the students were invited to discuss art, religion and theology with Tibetan monks within the Dalai Llama temple at the Institute of Buddhist Dialects. By Carrie Duford: Continue reading at https://news.byu.edu/news/learning-dalai-lama-temple-byu-study-abroad