‘Once I Was a Beehive’ not just for Mormons Skip to main content
Department Of Theatre And Media Arts

‘Once I Was a Beehive’ not just for Mormons

The latest Mormon feel-good movie, “Once I Was a Beehive,” is proving to be enjoyable for moviegoers both in and outside Mormon culture.The film tells the story of Lane Speer (Paris Warner), a 16-year-old girl whose father dies and mother remarries a Mormon. Speer goes on a week long, Bible-themed camping trip with other Mormon young women while her mom and stepdad are on their honeymoon.The film was released in select Utah theaters on Aug. 14.“We have been totally flattered and over the moon at the reception,” film director and writer Maclain Nelson said. “We knew we had something special, but to see people really grasp to the story, people who are going to see it for a second or third time, as a filmmaker that feels amazing.”See more at the Universe >>>>>>

By Kjersten Johnson

PHOTO: Lane Speer (Paris Warner) and Nedra (Barta Heiner) whittle wood in a scene of the film. The film is receiving good reviews from members of other faiths.