TMA Chair, Wade Hollingshaus, Presents Devotional Skip to main content
Department Of Theatre And Media Arts

TMA Chair, Wade Hollingshaus, Presents Devotional

Wade Hollingshaus

Wade Hollingshaus, chair of the Theatre and Media Arts (TMA) Department in the College of Fine Arts and Communications, will give the Devotional address. Hollingshaus' remarks will be broadcast live on BYUtv, (and archived for on-demand streaming), KBYU-TV 11, Classical 89 FM, BYU Radio and will be archived on Wade Hollingshaus is the current chair of the Theatre and Media Arts (TMA) Department in the College of Fine Arts and Communications. Hollingshaus is an associate professor in the TMA critical studies faculty, is head of dramaturgy studies and is an affiliated faculty with BYU's Scandinavian studies program. He is a member of the Performance Philosophy research network and currently serves as American Society for Theatre Research's liaison with the Theatre Library Association. His primary research interests center on rock performance and culture in the 1960’s and 1970’s. He is also interested in Finnish and Scandinavian theatre and film. In 2015, Hollingshaus was awarded the BYU Alcuin Fellowship, which recognizes outstanding teacher-scholars whose work at the university transcends the limits of their disciplines, and who have made significant contributions to the general education and honors curriculums.