BYU's 'Jazz Legacy Dixieland Band' and the 'The New Hot 5' on stage, Nov. 5 Skip to main content

BYU's 'Jazz Legacy Dixieland Band' and the 'The New Hot 5' on stage, Nov. 5

The cows will never make it home this week, as Brigham Young’s Jazz Legacy Dixieland Band is accompanied by the infamous cow-pleasing quintet, The New Hot 5. The bands will come together to perform “A Night in New Orleans” featuring composition from legends such as Louis Armstrong, Jelly Role Morton and more. The New Hot Five was organized by band director Steve Call and is composing entirely of alumni from the dixieland band. The quintet was formed in 2009 and in order to accept an offer the dixieland band had to decline to perform at the Jazz en Vercors Festival in the French Alps. In 2011, The New Hot Five became a viral phenomenon with “Jazz for Cows.' In the countryside of the alpine village of Autrans, France, a herd of cows was scattered around a large pasture next to the band’s scheduled venue. While the band set up, Call began to play his tuba for the widespread herd. “It was totally spontaneous.” Call told Good Things Utah. “While we started playing, the cows just starting coming towards us and they just stood there in rapture.” The rest of the band joined in as the majority of the herd gathered around the noise as if to listen. Call’s son Bruce filmed the cow crowd, and posted “Jazz Cows” to YouTube. The viral video quickly gave the quintet national attention as it received 13 million views, a spoof on The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien, and an opportunity for a special performance of the band on Good Things Utah. The New Hot Five will perform alongside the Jazz Legacy Dixieland Band on Thursday Nov. 5 in the de Jong Concert Hall. Download Program