Vivian is a senior in the mass communications graduate program and will be graduating next week!
Today we kick off our annual CFAC Grad campaign with a feature from the School of Communications, Vivian Campos.

Vivian is a senior in the mass communications graduate program and will be graduating next week!

“Coming to BYU meant leaving my family in Brazil after my grandfather's passing. It meant leaving my job as a content manager. It meant leaving my greatest friends. It was a sacrifice I had to make to continue my education as a Masters' student. However, getting closer and closer to graduation makes me realize it was worth it.

"It is fair to say that my experience was not perfect, but I have had many learning opportunities in and outside of classroom settings. I had the opportunity to work with incredible people at the CFAC External Relations Office and learned how to be a better team member and how to better cover college events and Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility content."

"I had the opportunity to teach amazing students how to recognize and tell a good story, and learn from them and their perspectives. I had the opportunity to learn more about how to do research as an assistant to Dr. Othelo Richards and grew both academically and as a person."

"Although many sacrifices led me to this place, I will leave convocation with a happy heart and with cherished memories. Learning and growing will always be my priority. My BYU experience has taught me lessons that will influence much of how I will choose to see the world and help improve it. Regardless of where I end up, whether in Brazil, here or anywhere else in the world, the positive feelings will remain and I will be forever grateful to the good people I met here."