GOD IS LIGHT | ALYSSA DAHNEKE Skip to main content


Alyssa Dahneke has loved photography for as long as she can remember. From a young age, she was always drawn to light and bright colors and stared more at the illustrations in her picture books than she actually read them. In the same way, she says she is always in awe of God’s creations.

“As a photographer, I see Him as the artist and myself as an admirer. To me, photography is the art of observation, so I suppose my calling then, is to capture the world the way I see it for those who don’t notice,” she said.

Dahneke said she wants her exhibit to be a spiritual experience for every viewer. She wants her audience to make the connection between God, light, and the light within themselves.

“The scriptures say that “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). If God is light, then it follows that everything the light touches is also touched by Him and His grace. Perhaps it is in this way that God can be “above all things, and in all things, and… through all things” (Doctrine & Covenants 88:41). The word “photography” literally means “drawing with light.” If photographs are rendered by light, then perhaps each photograph too is evidence of God’s grace. Every image captured is covered with His fingerprints. In this body of work, I wanted to photograph light, and by so doing, photograph God. It is my hope that those viewing this exhibit will begin to recognize God in the light all around and within themselves.”

Gallery DetailsLocation: BF Larsen Insets
Dates and Times: April 26 – May 20 | 6am – 11pm