The group gave students a glimpse into their signature sound
A Cappella Octet VOCES8 Shares Advice, Techniques with BYU Choirs
British a cappella octet VOCES8 met with members of the BYU choirs for a workshop when they visited campus for two performances on Feb. 14.
The group shared their passion for music education by inviting the BYU choirs to join them in kinesthetic rhythm exercises that they have developed as part of the VOCES8 Method — an educational technique designed to help students improve their comprehension of subjects like math and language by developing their brains through music — before taking student questions.
Because a typical year for the group involves seven months of touring and a packed schedule with 130 concerts around the world, many students were especially curious about the musicians’ routines, vocal health tips and personal philosophies. Countertenor and VOCES8 co-founder Barnaby Smith offered advice to young singers based on his own educational and early career experience.
“Chill out,” he said. “Don’t think you can sing like the guy you hear on the album for another 10 years or so — I rode my voice hard at the beginning. Be patient. It’s so difficult because we have dreams, but you have to let them come to you.”READ MORE