Music Dance Theatre graduate from April 2023
It is bittersweet to say goodbye to BYU this week. I have loved my time here. I have met so many wonderful, talented, inspirational and kind people here. I hope to take all the lessons they've taught me with me as I move forward in my career. While here at BYU, I had the opportunity to perform with the BYU Young Ambassadors for three years. These are some of my happiest and most cherished memories at BYU. Being able to serve and share light through my art in this way was unlike anything I had experienced prior to joining the team. I was able to visit care centers, high schools and homes for the elderly across the world. It was there where I got to witness the power of music firsthand. I got to see the joy and sometimes tears that would fill peoples eyes as we performed beloved songs for them. These experiences were life-changing. They shaped my purpose of performing and its' importance in my life. I will hold these memories close to my heart as I leave BYU. Thanks to all those who have supported, guided, and lifted me up through my college experience. I love you. :)