Come be swept away by the beautiful pieces in the HFAC’s current display in the B. F. Larsen Gallery! Admire the works included in the Illustration BFA Show 2022. The exhibits visually tell the stories of well-known tales, artist-invented adventures and everyday life.
Gallery exhibitions and artists:
- “La Cosecha: The Americans in the field” by Sarah Hawkes
- “XIŪXÍAN: Contemporary Leisure Scenes of Modern China” by Michelle Clyde (@michelleclydeart)
- “For Biddle’s Sake!” by Manon Hale (@middlemanon)
- “Midnight Academy” by Eliza Anderson (@elizartist)
- “Conspiracies and Cryptids That Can't Can Be Explained!!” by Mallory Clinger (@cmaldraw)
- An untitled show by Jared Nickerl (@jarednickerlart)
- “Betrayal at the House on the Hill” by Eli Peel (@elipeel.illustration)
- “Marionette” by Nicole Wardle
- “The Legend of the Condor Heroes” by Benjamin Yim (@benbendrawzzz)
- “Over the Vales: Depictions of Sacred High Country By Carson Thompson” by Carson Thompson (@carson.thompson.art)
- “The Hounds of Achilles: A graphic novel reinterpretation of ‘The Iliad’” by Sidney Fa’anunu
- “The Blue Sword” by Abbie Norton (@abbienortonart)
- “Festival Flavors” by Bekah Mecham (@sketchbekmecham)
- “Shop mallorie elizabeth” by Mallorie Evans (@shopmallorieelizabeth)
- “The Good In Us: A Visual Novel Created By Rebecca S. Orten” by Rebecca S. Orten (@rebeccasorten)
- “Apos” by Anna Wright (@frizz_biz)
- “The Phantom Tollbooth Re-Illustrated by Emily E. Jones” by Emily E. Jones
- “Nancy Re-Drew” by Audrey Day
- “Six of Cranes” by Amber Kommavongsa (@amberwavesofrice)
- “Bestiary” by Paige Stevens
- “Average Housewives: The Ordinary Lives of Extraordinary Mothers: America 1800–1835” by Maddie Baker (@maddiebakermakes)