I’m Trying to Talk to You | Deb Figueroa
In today’s hyper-connected digital world, it is increasingly common for people to be glued to their smartphones, even in the middle of a conversation. This issue is at the center of design student Deb Figueroa’s new exhibit, “I’m Trying to Talk to You.”
Figueroa talked to friends and peers about how they feel when they are trying to communicate with someone who is on their phone. Phrases from the interviews are incorporated into her designs, which cover the wall in a stark display of color. With their smartphones, viewers can use an interactive augmented-reality program to witness the consequences of choosing digital distraction over human interaction.
“The sad truth is that this common habit is destroying our relationships with others,” said Figueroa. “I want to help people be more aware of what a simple look at your phone can do to the people you love.”
Gallery Details:
Dates and Times: March 3-12 | 6 a.m.-11 p.m.
Location: 5th Floor Landing, South