Elizabeth Windsor Writes about How A Japanese Study Abroad Informed Her Art & Discipleship

During my study abroad in Japan, I learned how visual details can reveal deep cultural values. Through the experiences constructed by the faculty and through my own observations around Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka, I identified two important lessons. I found joy in observing tiny details being considered and I felt a desire to care for others as I saw those in Japanese culture doing.

In Japanese culture and art even the smallest details deserve consideration. One example I noticed while walking the streets of Tokyo was how every political poster was held up with the same tiny pink and blue stickers. These stickers didn’t need to be cute to serve their function, but they were. Anyone looking at the poster would be struck not only by its message — which I couldn’t read — but also feel the concern that the poster hangers took for small things. This attention to detail showed that even small things deserve consideration — and that this consideration can bring a bit of joy to life. This attention to detail illustrates the importance of the thing, and makes it more powerful.

The second value I observed was a cultural commitment to community. Every morning around 8 a.m., neighbors would sweep the sidewalks outside their homes — not just their own private property, but the city sidewalks too. This act benefited not only themselves but also their neighbors and anyone else using the sidewalk. I also saw this consideration in action at construction sites. All the construction sites I passed had padding strapped to any scaffolding at ground level, and they featured signage with cute characters apologizing for any noise. This showed an awareness of their potential inconvenience while still trying to be as considerate as possible.

My experience in Japan taught me that even tiny acts of service can impact others. This idea helps me to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ. Witnessing these values in practice has inspired me to be more deliberate about cherishing small things and more serious about considering how I affect those around me. While the ideas of paying attention to small details and being considerate of others are not new to me, seeing them demonstrated in such a touching way brought them to the forefront of my mind. I want to carry these values with me so that I can help others feel thought of and add little bits of joy wherever I can. My BYU Study Abroad experience has changed the way that I think about myself — as an artist, as a member of a community, as a disciple of Jesus Christ — and how I can be someone that adds value in all situations, no matter how small my role.