Lloyd graduated in December 2021 with a BM in commercial music

Why do you create/participate in music?
I come from a musical family, so I don’t think I knew there was such a thing as not being a musician. It’s become my way of expressing myself when I don’t feel like using words. Music has also been a form of personal therapy for me throughout my life. I dealt with a lot of challenges in my childhood, and I developed a lot of anxiety and fear about my future and my self-worth. Songwriting and drawing became my way of processing through those feelings. It has helped me keep a positive perspective on my life.
What inspires you?
I’d have to say the thought of making a difference and making the world a better place is my biggest inspiration. That might sound cliché, but it’s something that kept me going when I was struggling with things growing up. Whenever I was down and I’d pray for comfort, I’d feel a strong prompting that I was given my challenges to strengthen me so I could help others later on. There is something about feeling like you are a part of something much bigger than yourself that gives you a strength you wouldn’t normally have. It’s empowering.
How have you found belonging during your time at BYU?
Definitely the personal connections I’ve made with other students and the professors. I met so many incredible people throughout my academic career who not only tolerated my awkwardness, but completely took me in and made me feel like I belonged. I needed that so badly. It helped me see that I’m not the only one with challenges, and I’m not the only one who feels awkward or stuck on the outside. It’s ok to be a little weird. It means you're normal! I hope I can use my work to help others realize they belong too.
What’s your go-to study snack?
Blueberry bagels with strawberry cream cheese. That was the first thing I’d look for on campus. That, and BYU Creamery chocolate milk!
What was your favorite project you worked on as a student?
There were so many amazing projects and experiences that pushed me to new horizons. However, I would have to say my capstone project was the coolest. It was a six-song original album recorded and mixed by me. It was an exhilarating feeling to apply everything I had learned in my classes to a complete album. It also gave me the opportunity to get more one-on-one instruction from my professors. Writing the songs was a blast!
Who is your favorite artist and why?
I would have to say Debra Fotheringham
What are your aspirations/goals for the future?
After a lot of thought and prayer, I have decided to pursue a motivational speaking career. Whenever I share my work with others and they hear my story, I always get the comment “When are you going to become a speaker and write a book?” I’ve since begun to build my speaking brand around the idea of teaching others how to “Find Their Brave.”
Answers have been edited for length and clarity.