Linda Reynolds
Faith + Works Lecturer 2023-2024
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Linda graduated from BYU with a bachelor’s degree in graphic design and with an MFA in graphic design from the University of Utah. She was an art director and assistant director at Graphic Communications at BYU and an art director for the Utah Shakespearean Festival before becoming a Graphic Design faculty member in 1991. For six years Reynolds was an adjunct faculty member at The Waterford School, a private, college preparatory school, in Sandy, Utah.
Reynolds received the Brigham Young University Young Scholar Award in 2000. At BYU, she was advanced to the rank of Associate Professor in 1999 and was granted the rank of Professor in 2005.
Professionally, Reynolds is a member of American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA), New York, and has served as education chair and president of the Salt Lake City chapter. Reynolds has served extensively in the community, including being a member of the Center Focus Implementation Committee, the United Way Communications Committee, as well as doing wide-ranging consultancy work for several non-profit organizations including Provo City Logo Rebranding, United Way Transportation, Volunteer Center and Recreation and Rehabilitation Services. Along with her students she has led numerous service and social practice experiences in the classroom including branding for United Way and Habitat for Humanity. Reynolds is also an external program reviewer for the national accreditation organization North American Schools of Art and Design (NASAD).
Reynolds has participated in numerous professional workshops and conferences where she has been instructed by and interacted with some of the best American and European designers, theorists, and design offices. This included intensive summer residencies sponsored by the Maine College of Art’s Summer Institute of Graphic Design and the College for Creative Studies based in Den Haag the Netherlands.
Reynolds’ university service has included broad citizenship and administrative assignments including the Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC), Faculty Advisory Curriculum and Compensation Sub-committees, and the college’s Awards and Honors Committee and Signaling Values among others. She served on the Academic Liaison Committee for the Museum of Art and was co-curator for the major Milton Glaser exhibition Just Enough is More. At the department level, she has served on numerous committees including the Benchmarks and Standards, Curriculum, and the Visual Arts and Design Foundations Committees and ten years in service as Chair of the Department of Visual Arts.
Her love of meaning, typography and image, letterpress, bookarts, and social practice supports the courses Reynolds has had the privilege of teaching. Some of her teaching awards include a Brigham Award from the BYU Student Service Association; three Excellence in Teaching Awards, one from the College of Fine Arts and Communications and two from the Student Alumni Award from Visual Arts students; and the Illumina Teaching Award from the Justice Project.
Reynolds has extensive experience in magazine, branding and communication design. A dedicated educator who maintains a professional practice, Reynolds has completed commissioned work for Brigham Young University, KUER RadioWest, The Waterford School, Home/Life Pages, George Fox University, Gleason Calice, Columbia/Tri-Star, Panavision Cameras, Deseret Book, Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition, Utah Valley Regional Medical Center, and the North American Association of Color Consultants of the International Association of Color Consultants among many others. In addition to commissioned work her creative activity has expanded to letterpress, silkscreen and other alternative printing methods. Her poster/type design for Black Lives Matter was chosen as a winner in the 365: American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) and was recognized as Best in Show in Communication Arts, Typography Annual. Her self-authored, limited edition letterpress book Fall was recognized in the Society of Illustrators, New York, competition and published in their annual, and The Best Thing About Being a Bird was selected for the AIGA 50 Books 50 Covers, a national juried exhibition of the best-designed books and book covers. Reynolds’ work has been published in prestigious peer-reviewed national and international publications and exhibitions including CA/Communication Arts, American Institute of Graphic Arts 365, New York Art Directors Club, One Show, AIGA 50 Books 50 Covers, How International Design Annual, Society of Illustrators Annual, Print Regional, Logo Lounge, Graphis Logo, Society of Publication Designers, and recognized by the University College Designers Association, and Council for Advancement and Support of Education. With other faculty, Reynolds has had the opportunity to participate in several collaborative bookarts exhibitions and print exchanges in venues such as the Contemporary Art Space, Chester, UK; the Rio Grande Gallery, Utah Arts Council, Salt Lake City; the Sheffield Institute of Arts Gallery, Sheffield, UK; the Wirral Metropolitan College Art Gallery, Liverpool, UK; the PR1 Gallery, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK; the Williamson Art Gallery, Birkenhead, UK; and at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia.
Reynolds is a first-generation college graduate on both sides of her family. Mother of four sons, one daughter and grandmother of eight. Reynolds considers herself one who absorbs culture. Graphic design is ubiquitous. She loves working in the garden and adding to her extensive collection of ephemera, vintage office products, which includes a fierce collection of vintage advertising pens and paper clips.

To see other lectures from this series, visit the Faith + Works Lecture Series home page.