ON THE GULF | BRIANNE ANDERSON Skip to main content


Brianne Anderson is a figurative artist from Southwest Florida. Her practice mainly involves oil painting and drawing. She is currently a Fine Arts student at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT.

In her paintings for “On the Gulf,” she is responding to this transitional period of her life. She’s leaving her youth and home behind and reflecting on her relationships, experiences with family and living in Southwest Florida, along the Gulf of Mexico.

“The content of this work includes portraits of myself and my brothers represented alongside personal imagery harkening back to Florida and family. The show is largely self-portraiture, figuratively and literally, both painting Florida and painting my brothers is an attempt to address my own identity. I often deal with these things through absurdity, curiosity, fiction or fabrication,” she said.

Anderson wants to leave her viewers with an open-ended implied narrative that leaves room for questions. She wants them to take away a sense of curiosity and an impression of personhood.

Gallery DetailsLocation: Gallery 303 Main
Dates and Times: May 22 – June 9 | 6am – 11pm