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Wilson’s recent body of work PARTICIPANT centers on systems of value, motivations for reward and the ephemeral nature of praise. Using a combination of manipulated and damaged found objects, as well as abstracted renderings of the human form in monotype print, he contorts common imagery associated with success.

This work functions for the artist as observational, as well as introspective. In this show, Wilson looks not only at his own engrained ideas surrounding success and praise, but also the sources of motivation for his own art-making practice. He is both participant and nominator of his own work.

“I would like others to critically analyze their relationship to success and their motivations for doing things. It is not only our goals, but the driving force behind them that shapes who we become,” said Wilson.

Wilson is a contemporary artist based in Provo, UT. His interdisciplinary approach to conceptual art-making playfully experiments with both religious and secular symbolism. Wilson’s approach to material choice and subject matter bleeds into his aesthetic, as he critically analyses the congruences of both physical and social structures on independent, community and cross-cultural levels.

Location: Gallery 303 Foyer

Dates and Times: Oct 8 – Oct 21 | 6am – 11pm