Claudine Bigelow, BYU professor of viola, the associate director of the school of music and the graduate coordinator, will deliver the devotional address this Tuesday, August 4, at the de Jong Concert Hall. In her address Bigelow will explore the topic of creativity and the spiritual connection it can help us have with our Heavenly Father. While it's an attribute we often associate with the arts, it's an important tool for finding our inner artist for every discipline at BYU. The scriptures teach us Heavenly Father is a deeply creative being, and He has made us to be that way too. Creativity helps us bring light to the world, our relationships, and find deep and satisfying joy.

Bigelow has taken her gifts in music all over the world, performing in Europe and New Zealand, and furthering her study. She has also played with National and Utah Symphonies, national Chamber Orchestra and at the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. She began playing the viola at age 14 but has been around music her whole life. When she was a baby her father played guitar every night. She then picked up the piano in third grade and played for her church as a teenager on a regular basis. At the age of 14 she was given the opportunity to attend a music summer camp with some of the greatest musical instructors of the day including Dr. Shinchi Suzuki, if she learned the viola. Since then Bigelow has dedicated her life to music and improving her talents through research and practice. “Music isn’t for showing that you’re talented or the best at something, because someone will always be better,” Bigelow says. “Music is for communicating love. Music can be one of the highest forms of spiritual communication.”
Devotional info link: