Photography student Harriet Richardson did not have any biological sisters. She has had to learn about sisterhood through other relationships with women in her life.

“The women in these portraits are friends, cousins, roommates and aunts Having no real sisters, I have turned to them to learn from. These relationships have taught me the principles of sisterhood outside of an immediate family setting, sometimes in an untraditional way,” said Richardson.

“From them, I have learned honesty, how to share clothes, patience, bluntness, the healing capabilities of a long drive, communication, kindness, how to inhabit the same space, forgiveness, and that ice cream can heal almost anything. The portraits of these women are meant to highlight their beauty and show the importance of the role they have played in my life: my sisters.

Richardson said she hopes to showcase the power and influence that sisters, even non-biological or nontraditional, can have. “Women are needed to support each other, and sisterhood is an important and sacred aspect of this life.” She is grateful for those both pictured and not that have lifted, loved, and taught her.

Gallery Details:Location: 5th Floor Hallway East
Dates and Times: March 27 – April 7 | 6am – 11pm