The College of Fine Arts and Communications Welcomes New Personnel Skip to main content
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The College of Fine Arts and Communications Welcomes New Personnel

The College Welcomes Seven New Faculty and 24 Full-Time Staff for the 2022–2023 Academic Year

BYU’s College of Fine Arts and Communications will start the fall semester with seven new faculty and 24 new staff and administrative employees.

Seth Christensen | Department of Design | Assistant Professor
Liz Dibble | Department of Dance | Visiting Assistant Professor
Daniel George | Department of Design | Assistant Professor
Karen Jensen | Department of Dance | Assistant Professor
Alexandra Mackenzie Johns | Department of Theatre and Media Arts | Assistant Professor
Benjamin Nichols | School of Music | Assistant Professor
Milinda Weeks| Department of Theatre and Media Arts | Associate Professor

Department of Dance
Mariah Dawe-Johnson | Assistant Athletic Trainer

Museum of Art
Melanie Allred | Curator
Vauna Davis | Administrative Assistant

School of Communications
Michael Burke | PR Intelligence Lab Manager
Hailey Peterson | AdLab Strategy and Account Manager

Department of Design
Rachel Hatch | Public Relations Coordinator
Rebecca Orten | Model Coordinator

CFAC Marketing and Production (MAP)
Kevin Anthony | Projections Operations Manager
Marin Barney | Creative Services Manager
Alie Carter | Editorial Assistant
Troy Sales | Sound Designer/Mastering Engineer

Dean’s Office
Eden Buchert | External Relations Office, Public Relations Coordinator
Maile Roberts | Executive Secretary
Sierra Solis | External Relations Office, Public Relations Specialist
Travis Wangsgaard | External Relations Office, Operations PR Coordinator

School of Music
Miriam Burton | Administrative Assistant
Patty Jones | Assistant Business Manager/Office Manager
Kathleen Stuart | Organ Program Administrator
Nathan Young | Video Production Specialist

Department of Theatre and Media Arts
Tina Bellon | Department Administrator
Katie Gneiting | Theatre Program Coordinator
Jon Lindsey | Scene Shop Manager
Shelby Luke | Assistant Costume Shop Manager

If you have any additions to our 2022–23 full-time College faculty or staff, please contact Francie Jenson at (801) 422-9271 or