BOXED | Department of Art MFA students
Always Running at Sunset | Amelia O’Neill
Gallery Details
Location: Gallery 303
Dates and Times: Jan. 28–Feb. 10 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
BOXED | Department of Art MFA students: Gary Barton, Leilani Bascom, Mary Ann Crabtree, Victoria Jensen, Wayne Kimball, Sara Lindsay, Chris Lynn, Amelia O’Neill, Joseph Ostraff, Samantha Snyder, Megan Stern, Eugene Tapahe
Cigar boxes meet art with “BOXED.” It all started when Wayne Kimball, former BYU faculty member, visited the classroom. Kimball is known for his work and creativity with cigar boxes. Following the visit, each graduate student was given a cigar box of their own and the freedom to let their creative juices flow. The gallery features a wide variety of reimagined cigar boxes from a wide variety of students.
Gallery Details
Location: Gallery 303 Foyer
Dates and Times: Jan. 28–Feb. 10 | 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sam Atzbach’s show refers to traditional religion and spirituality, experiencing the weight of past, present and future existence. The red and blue colors featured represent the imagery that is often found in religious works. The stones on the walls act as viewers of earth who have seen earthly life. Atzback said she hopes the viewers are able to consider the “weight of being the link between the past and the future as well as a sense of spirituality towards those beings that are always with us.”
Gallery Details
Location: BF Larsen Main, BF Larsen Insets
Dates and Times: Jan. 28–Feb. 10 | 6 a.m.–11 p.m.