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Trevor Myers

Communications, Journalism Major from April 2024

When I started at BYU, I was unsure of so many things.

I didn’t know what I was doing my first semester, but by the start of my second year, things were looking up. We were coming out of the pandemic, I got accepted into my major and I made some close friends.

I began to learn and grow so much when I started the journalism major. BYU gave me hands-on experience with technology and software that is used in the journalism industry. I learned how to be a better writer, videographer, communicator, storyteller and a better person.

I am most grateful for my mentors and classmates from my capstone class. We traveled to Maui to create a short documentary about the effects of the 2023 wildfires. Since being released, our documentary has received national awards and attention. I met some of my favorite people through the College of Fine Arts and Communications, and I would not be where I am today without the opportunities and support I received through BYU.

—Trevor Myers, BA in Communications, Journalism