Usher in the Holiday Season with New Exhibits From the Department of Art, Department of Design and the Museum of Art Skip to main content

Usher in the Holiday Season with New Exhibits From the Department of Art, Department of Design and the Museum of Art

Visit New Student Shows and Learn More About Current and Upcoming Exhibits in the Museum of Art in the CFAC Monthly Gallery Roundup Below

From photography and design to painting and cartoons, there’s no shortage of diverse artistic talent in the galleries of BYU. This holiday season, see student work in the Department of Art’s Weight Room gallery and the Department of Design’s 1313 gallery and don’t miss out on the ongoing and upcoming exhibits in the Museum of Art (MOA).

Department of Art: Weight Room Gallery

Madeline Rupard Student Show | Open from Dec. 5, 2024 – Jan. 13, 2025

Department of Design: 1313

Paul Adams Junior Portfolio Student Show | Open from Dec. 3, 2024 – Jan. 8, 2025

In this annual exhibition, photography students in the Paul Adams’ DESPH 378 Junior Portfolio class will showcase photographs from a personal project they have been working on during fall semester. Student Emma Barlow's series of photographs is called "Stalgia."

“Inspiration is fleeting, unpredictable, and often unprompted which can make it difficult to capture—like catching fireflies,” Barlow said in her artist statement. “For me, it manifests in liminal, fleeting moments. As a child, I imagined gathering memories, scenes, and objects into jars, hoping I could reopen the jars and feel the scene again, as if it were a scent. This series is an attempt to jar moments of inspiration for me, hoping I and others can feel the scene as we unscrew the top and release it.”

Museum of Art Galleries

John Held, Jr. | Dec. 6, 2024 – April 26, 2025

The Museum of Art’s newest exhibition will feature work from cartoonist and illustrator John Held, Jr., widely considered to be one of the Jazz Age’s most iconic artists. Held’s colorful and whimsical work often featured flappers, college life and sharp social commentary regarding American culture in the 1920s and 1930s. His illustrations could be found in books, newspapers and advertisements as well as publications such as “Vanity Fair”, “Life”, “Cosmopolitan” and “The New Yorker”.

Joshua Meyer: Eight Approaches | Open through Jan. 18, 2025

Contemporary artist Joshua Meyer’s “Eight Approaches” celebrates Judaic perspectives on light and time. His abstract and figurative work features eight panels (the viewer represents the ninth) reminiscent of the nine-pronged menorah candelabra lit each 25th of December marking the commencement of Hanukkah.

Counterpoint | Open through Dec. 7, 2024

Step back in time to explore pop art and beyond through this explosion of art and culture from the 1960s to 1980s. “Counterpoint” features prints, sculpture, comics, photography, rugs and paintings from the MOA collection by over twenty artists, including Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Edna Andrade, Benny Andrews, Helen Gerardia, Dorothy Grebenak, Jann Haworth, Robert Indiana, Reinhard Kraft and Ed Ruscha.

Off Kilter, On Point | Open through Dec. 7, 2024Dive into the tumultuous 1960s with artwork that embraced and challenged the ever-changing ideals of the era. This traveling exhibition from Colorado State University’s Gregory Allicar Museum of Art presents a variety of pieces ranging from abstract to pop art by artists such as Andy Warhol, Bridget Riley, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Indiana and Helen Gerardia.

Of Souls and Sacraments: Symbol and Context in Christian Art | Open through Mar. 1, 2025

Benjamin West (1738-1820), Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, 1775, oil on canvas, 50 x 39 ½ inches, part of the MOA’s “Of Souls and Sacraments: Symbol and Context in Christian Art” Exhibit. Courtesy of the Parker Foundation.

Explore religious ideas through works from the 14th century to the present in the perspectives, styles and media on display in this exhibition. Old and contemporary artists such as Jusepe de Ribera, Anthony van Dyck, Benjamin West, Jorge Cocco Santangelo, Kirk Richards and Lisa DeLong witness the power of visual imagery in religious life through their work.

The Difficult Part: Brian Kershisnik | Open through May 5, 2025

Latter-day Saint artist and BYU art alum Brian Kershisnik is known for his skill in combining the holy with the whimsical and the familiar with the transcendent. In this exhibition, a mid-career retrospective, over 100 of his pieces will be displayed highlighting Kershisnik’s exploration of love, grief, service, loss, inspiration, contemplation and eternity.

Crossing the Divide | Open through 2029Featuring more than 100 works of American art from the MOA’s permanent collection, “Crossing the Divide” showcases a wide variety of cultures, histories and perspectives through various mediums. For the next five years, visitors will have the opportunity to see pieces from Maynard Dixon, Minerva Teichert, Valentina Sireech and more.