Paige Darrington | Essay 1st Place
School of Music (Commercial Music)
Instagram: @paigekrumps
"I think the most valuable lesson that I learned was that the music career that I want is out there! Sometimes pursuing music can be difficult because there’s no easy track to the career you want. I learned that I can create my own opportunities and that with the help of a supportive community and team, I can make something truly special."
A Summer with Sing and Play Productions, LLC
As a teenager, my greatest passion was writing and producing children’s musicals for the kids in my neighborhood. Whenever I put on these shows, I felt an overwhelming sense of fulfillment, like I was using every talent I had for good. This last summer, I had the opportunity to return to my roots and work for the City of Redmond, Washington as an independent contractor and owner of Sing and Play Productions, LLC. My business provided 8 weeks of musical summer camps for children ages 5-11. The experience was life changing. It challenged me creatively, connected me to my community, and gave me a path forward in my career.
The experience of putting on these camps stretched me in all my capabilities. In the months leading up to the camps, I wrote two original 20-minute children’s musicals- The Animal Kingdom and Fairy Tale Mystery. For each of these shows, I spent weeks developing a plot, writing the lyrics, and creating piano arrangements. As I worked on these projects, I was able to apply skills that I had developed as Commercial Music major at BYU. The creativity and project management skills that I had developed in my classes were immediately applicable to this endeavor and helped me be successful. In preparation for the camps, I also developed curriculum, designed costumes, started a business, hired employees, and bought supplies. The preparation process was challenging, but uniquely satisfying. I was able to bring my vision to life and by the time the camps began, I was prepared with the best product I have ever come up with.
Once I began putting on the camps, I found myself enveloped in a supportive community of city employees, parents, and amazing kids. Each week for eight weeks, I met 20 new kids who were excited to put on a musical by the end of the week. As we sang, danced, and played together each day, I saw each child encounter challenges that pushed them out of their comfort zones. For one child, her challenge was a solo that she felt unprepared for. As we practiced together each day, she gained the courage necessary to perform and blew us all away with her song on Friday. One child in particular who participated in our camp had severe communication disabilities that made it difficult for him to understand and speak with others. His mom was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to participate in the show, but by Friday, this little boy was able to sit on stage and sing along with his peers. Each child was able to learn and grow as part of the camp and it was an honor to be able to provide this experience in the city that I grew up in.
I was also so grateful for the support I received from the community. The employees of the Redmond Parks and Recreation department were always quick to offer support and ideas whenever I faced any obstacles and added an element of wonder to our Friday performances by organizing teenage volunteers to build sets for the stage. The parents of the 150 kids enrolled in the program were also a huge support to me, showing up on Fridays to cheer on their kids and sharing the camp’s success with other parents in the area. It is because of this community that my dream for my business became a reality.
My experience putting on these musical summer camps has helped me see a future career path after graduation. I never imagined that I would start a business in college but running Sing and Play Productions has been a dream come true. The City of Redmond has asked me to run more camps next summer and once I graduate, I plan on moving to Redmond and developing several musical programs for children in partnership with the city. I also plan on packaging my musicals and selling them to other music educators who are interested in running summer camps. My summer experience allowed me to build on the dreams I had as a teenager and has opened doors to a wonderful and fulfilling career.
Watch a clip of Darrington's "Fairy Tale Mystery" here