EXPERIENCE CFAC 2022 WINNERS ANNA LOW Skip to main content



CFAC Students are Being Recognized for
Their Experiential Learning Experiences
Paige Darrington
Photo by Scott Young

Anna Low | Essay 1st Place

School of Music (Vocal Performance)

Instagram: @anna_loves2sing

“The most valuable lesson I took away from my trip was learning to stand on my own two feet. Being away from home and away from BYU where everyone shares the same standards, I had to learn to make my own choices, whether personal ones and career based ones.”

A Summer in Italy

I looked around at the beautiful piazza—complete with a small opera house, two gelaterias, and countless delicious, authentic Italian restaurants—as I dragged my luggage in the heat of summer to my new Italian home for the next five weeks. It was too perfect to feel real; was I truly in Italy?

I had always wanted to go to Italy. My father served his mission there, I have sung many Italian songs and I know a bit of the language. But for me, Italy isn’t just a beautiful language or place, it is the birthplace of opera. As a vocal performance major, I knew I needed to go to Italy. I auditioned for several summer programs offered in Italy, and was accepted into FIO Italia, a five-week program that offered me a substantial role in their opera. I was excited and couldn’t wait to get there.

Because of generous funding received from the school of music, my dream of going to Italy became a reality. That beautiful piazza became my home for a little over a month and the people there almost felt like family. Not only did I love my time in Italy, but it was incredibly helpful for my singing career. My experience at FIO Italia improved my performing skills, expanded my knowledge of future career possibilities and gave me spiritually uplifting experiences that have improved my life since returning home.

A part of my experience in FIO Italia included having voice lessons and masterclasses with teachers from other universities. My voice improved during those lessons because I learned new vocal techniques that I added to my singing toolbelt. Since coming home from Italy, I’ve specifically noticed that my voice is lighter, and therefore easier to sing with, which stems from the training I received in Italy. I also took Italian classes and diction coaching sessions to improve my Italian diction. This unique opportunity, only available in Italy, helped my Italian sound more authentic when singing and speaking.

I also was given the role of Nanetta in Verdi’s Falstaff, which improved my ability to learn music, work with other musicians, and perform on stage. I especially loved the skills I learned through working with the conductor and the director of my opera. I feel that my ability to collaborate was strengthened as I took feedback, suggested new ideas, and learned from others’ experiences. I also got an opportunity to improve my skills as an actor and performer as I performed this substantial role on stage. This program was vital for me because of the skills I gained as a performer and collaborator.

Another benefit of FIO Italia was the access I had to faculty from different schools. From the faculty and the other students, I heard of future possibilities for grad schools and career options. I learned about new schools and programs, and reconsidered some of the ones I was contemplating. I also worked with several incredible young artists who inspired me and befriended me. They are now lifelong friends who I can lean on for support and hopefully work with in the future. I’m so grateful for all the incredible people I met and worked with in Italy.

One surprising aspect of my trip was that I was spiritually strengthened. This was a surprise because I was the only student who was a member and I couldn’t go to church for a month since no church branches were nearby. However, my testimony grew because I had to choose God everyday and I had several missionary opportunities with my colleagues. These experiences strengthened my desire to follow God and be an example to others. It renewed my desires to come closer to God and it has put me on a better path since coming home.

I'm grateful for the experiences I had at FIO Italia. It has blessed my life in countless ways, and I know the relationships and the skills I formed will continue to bless my future.