Convocation 2020
College of Fine Arts and Communications Community,
In an effort to keep our campus community safe and healthy, the College of Fine Arts and Communications (CFAC) and the University have cancelled all convocation and commencement events.
We know how important graduation services are to our graduating seniors and their family and friends. While we won’t be having any gatherings or physical celebrations for our students, we do want to honor their hard work and accomplishments online through our websites and social media pages. That’s why we’ve created the new “Share Your Story: #CFACGrad” celebration.
“Share Your Story: #CFACGrad” is a student-sourced graduation campaign that will allow graduating seniors to submit essays, memories, videos, photos and artwork of their time at BYU. The College’s External Relations Office will then share these stories online.
If you know a grad or are graduating yourself, please be a part of this celebration by submitting your story. We want to celebrate you.
Follow this link for more info and to submit your story. Thank you for being a part of our community and staying with us through these ever-changing times!
The Dean’s Office
The College of Fine Arts and Communications
CFAC Homepage / Convocation 2020